Location Geographic

Barranquilla, unstoppable city
2.6 million people
in the Department of Atlántico, which has 23 municipalities. (Source: DANE).
Barranquilla has 1.2 million inhabitants, ranked fourth in population nationwide. (Source: Portafolio Magazine)
In Colombia
a country with 44 million inhabitants.
Fourth among Colombian cities
first in the Caribbean Region.
Diversified economy
with strength in the chemical, hydrocarbon, pharmaceutical, metalworking, manufacturing, steel, logistics sectors, among others. (Source: MinComercio / CIIU Annual Manufacturing Survey)
In a new era
with the arrival of new companies and a public sector committed to the development of the region.
- Barranquilla is located in front of the Magdalena River, the main fluvial artery of Colombia. Likewise, it has several ports between public and private, including the Port of Barranquilla which is a multipurpose port in which 17 shipping lines operate with weekly frequencies to destinations in the Caribbean, Central, North and South America (Source: ProBarranquilla)
- The city is notable for its new Pumarejo Bridge , being the longest and widest in the country with a length of 2.25 km and two roads of three lanes each. (Source: ProBarranquilla)
- Additionally, it has good land connectivity , being located less than 400 km from the main capital cities of the north coast, 700 km from Antioquia and 600 km from Los Santanderes. (Source: ProBarranquilla)
- On the other hand, in the Metropolitan Area of Barranquilla the Ernesto Cortissoz airport is located, the main cargo airport of the Colombian Caribbean Region (Source: ProBarranquilla)
- Ethnic diversity for being a center of arrival for immigrants and tourists. The arrival of non-resident foreigners to Atlántico represented an average of 2.4% of the national total between 2012 and 2020 (Source: MinCincomercio / Migración Colombia)
- As of January 2021 , the department's exports increased 24.2% compared to the previous year, driven by the increase in non-mining-energy exports, which accounted for 99.3% of the total exports of the Department. (Source: MinComercio / DANE)

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